I decided to apply for the MSc course. It was one of the best decisions I have made to date!"

After studying a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, Daisie Hutchinson found she was unsure about what she wanted to do next...

鈥淚 had to make the decision whether to leave university and start working or continue with further study. This wasn鈥檛 an easy decision for me, like it may have been for others, and I spent lots of time looking through brochures and speaking to lecturers about different courses.鈥

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After lots of deliberation, Daisie found that Forensic Psychology was something that sparked her interest during her final year of her undergraduate degree and was a subject she was drawn to learning more about.

鈥淭here was a new MSc course that hadn鈥檛 run before called Investigative Forensic Psychology that caught my eye as it was very much practitioner based. After speaking to the course leader, and learning more about her experience in the field, I decided to apply for the MSc course.

鈥淚t was one of the best decisions I have made to date! I thoroughly enjoyed the different modules and we had lots of external speakers from within the Criminal Justice System come to talk to us such as a Chief Policeman who works on serious crime cases and a Forensic Criminal Psychologist who works on Parole Boards in Prisons.鈥

Daisie really enjoyed the hands-on aspects and practicality of the course. She talks about some of her favourite parts: 鈥淲e got the opportunity to discuss real cases as well as write reports in the same style that would be completed in an applied setting.

鈥淚t gave me a real sense of what the actual operations of crime scene investigation are and the role Psychologists and Behavioural Investigative Advisors play. One of the best days of the course was when we got to go to the crime house where lecturers simulate a murder scene. There is a house, a bank, a laboratory and the photography black out room. We got to dress as if we were visiting a crime scene and take notes and photos as if it were real.鈥

Daisie feels that her master鈥檚 helped her in building a career in her chosen area and ultimately, her current job role.

Daisie Hutchinson

鈥淎ll the skills I acquired over my master鈥檚 year and throughout my undergraduate degree have given me the confidence and knowledge to build a career in research and statistics. I completed a module in advanced statistics during my master鈥檚 year which was a progression from undergraduate experimental methods and statistical analysis.

鈥淭his, alongside the vast variety of topics which was covered in my degrees and the strong underpinning of applied social research helped me greatly in gaining employment with The Office for National Statistics. I have been working at the ONS for 6 months now and I am really enjoying it! I managed to secure a job at the ONS whilst I was still completing my master鈥檚 dissertation which was unexpected.鈥

Supported by her further study and happy in her current job role, Daisie feels she made the right decision in undertaking a master鈥檚 degree.

鈥淒aily, I can apply the knowledge I gained at university in my current job. As a research officer I often write reports, conduct social research and peer review people鈥檚 work. These things were all taught as part of my master鈥檚 course which has helped me massively. I graduated with a 2:1 in my MSc in November and it was a very proud moment for my parents and I.鈥